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  • The body is the only way I have to go into the heart of things.

    Maurice Merleau-Ponty

    In #TITOLODADEFINIRE (TITLE TO BE DEFINED), 5 dancers coordinated by one choreographer, one director and a video crew , try to compete with this historical moment, with its questions, gathering thoughts and suggestions to make it body and reflection. Between the full and empty of five short stories danced wants to live a space of dialogue, a free zone that can collect our aspirations and secrets, memories and desires.

    The project opens with an online campaign, a list of open questions addressed to users through social posts (instagram, facebook). The answers, given in the way that best expresses the sensitivity of each participant (short texts, words, images, videos, drawings, music tracks etc.) become the open diary from which the five dancers draw in the construction of their five micro-advances danced.

    Each body is a diary, for each page an infinity of memories each of which determines what we are, the ways and the quality of our movement. We can learn to read through these "ways", learn to dance them and let them tell the rich vocabulary of our history. We could be surprised to find, hidden in the folds of the elbow a smile belonged to childhood, unspoken between shoulder blades the embraces suspended in the moments of the most precious goodbyes or wrapped, between the fingers of the hands, the landscapes and the faces that we have indicated and photographed in our memory not to forget the color.

    Body is therefore a poetic space from which aspirations, impulses, memories and projections of the imaginary sprout. Each body interrogates the world and its own relationship with it with regard to its collective soul which is a compendium of memory, experience and desire. From this interrogation each body matures its own vocabulary, acts and reacts to the world embodying its meanings and contradictions.

    In the articulated creative process that leads to dance, this interrogation is the essential tool at the basis of choreographic construction and its adherence to a given sense. Every movement that constitutes the choreography emerges from the question of oneself and from the relationship with the outside (spaces, things, people). From the confluence of experience and perception, from the perspective gap that flows in the relationship with the other, the dance is lit. And it is a physical narrative that is finally able to speak to us deeply because, following this journey, it embodies and sublimates not already the presence of the “EGO” but of the “I”, that is something, someone who moves in the single speaking in the name of everyone, crossing, cracking, opening questions and exposing fragility.

  • un progetto di/a project by Zerogrammi | creato con e interpretato da/created with and interpreted by Amina Amici, Gabriel Beddoes, Miriam Cinieri, Damien Camunez, Simone Zambelli | concept e supervisione coreografica/concept and choreography Stefano Mazzotta | parole e voce/words and voice Silvia Battaglio (una riscrittura dai materiali raccolti durante la campagna social #titolodadefinire/a rewrite from the collected materials during the social campaign titolodadefinire) | prologo e ricerca per immagini a cura di/prologue and research for images Giuseppe e Sara Saccotelli | regia onLive/direction onLive Paolo Severini | in collaborazione con/in collaboration with Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo, Lavanderia a Vapore | Centro di Residenza per la Danza | con il sostegno di/with the support of Regione Piemonte, MIBAC | un ringraziamento a/thanks to Bambini e maestre della classe 2D della Primaria Rayneri – IC “Manzoni” (Torino) e tutti i partecipanti alla campagna social #titolodadefinire per le loro preziose risposte

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