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  • The face of cities is constantly changing. The geometries of public spaces change and with them the ways of living. The inhabitants change and the forms of interaction multiply. Places change rapidly, people change, the way of moving, of relating. The ways of living and living space. What is the perception that each of us has of his body and the body of the other in space? How does a space influence the way of being of an individual and how is it possible to improve the way of being, living, experiencing a place? How can an urban place be sustainable and accessible? A workshop on movement is proposed to a group of 60 young people aged 15 to 28 years to re-invent the necessary gestures and decline a new grammar of the "body in relation" in which the concept of citizenship has a reason for being and possibility to express themselves. A study of the images photographed by young people in urban places has stimulated and enriched the research. The itinerary is completed by a public artistic event, in the form of the Flash mob, created in Piazza San Carlo in Turin. INTOFRAME rethinks the contemporary city starting from  places and people in order to relaunch the quality of life from a smart city perspective, where accessibility and sustainability are its cornerstones.

  • un progetto di/a project by Zerogrammi | ideazione/ideation  Stefano Mazzotta, Rosanna Todisco | laboratorio formativo e coreografia/training and choreography Stefano Mazzotta | con la collaborazione di/in coolaboration with Emanuele Scianname, Sebastiana Bonaffini, Paolo Mirabella | progetto e regia video/project video Emanuele Sciannamea, Enrico Pinto | coordinamento e promozione/executive production Rosanna Todisco | con/with Matteo Allasia, Simona Bellino, Roberta Bonetto, Viola Bruni, Deborah Patrizio, Nicole Pipino, Monica Pirrone, Ilaria Quaglia, Giulia Sanna, Irene Villata, Francesca Bono, Marina Donatone, Valentina Frontini, Elisabetta Girodo Angelin, Marco La Rocca, Stefania Manzo, Sonia Migliore, Gabriel Beddoes, Ilaria Passaro, Lorena Vella, Emanuela Atzeni, Serena Soro, Rossella Gangi, Esther Chionetti, Chiara Ramondetti, Chiara Scaramuzzo, Anna Micol Tropeano, Valeria Coda, Eleini Kolliopoulou | produzione/production Zerogrammi | con il sostegno di/with the support of Comune di Torino, Bando “Da Giovane a Giovane”, Torino Giovani | partners Università Degli Studi di Torino, Liceo Classico “V. Gioberti” Torino, Red Bull, Sharing, Federazione SCS/Cnos | Un ringraziamento a Silvia Battaglio, Caterina Consonni, Alessandro Costelli

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