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  • ISOLE is one of the chapters of the wider 2018-2020 creative project "Elegia delle cose perdute". This action takes shape in a period of isolation caused by the international emergency COVID19 with the intent to continue and deepen, despite the difficulties caused by distances, the articulated creative work around the construction of the characters of the creation Elegìa delle cose perdute. The state of quarantine imposed by the health emergency forces the interpreters to a solitude, to a tangible feeling of emptiness and precariousness, somehow bringing this feeling closer to the condition of the poor in the novel by Raul Brandao from which the creation is taken. We gather this significant experience, we open our eyes to see it well and try to treasure it to describe its colors in a carousel of moving images in form of short films, to tell the small seamless stories that reveal, one by one, empty and wishes of the characters of "Elegia".

    NOTES (by Fabio Chiriatti)

    It is like entering a house, in a room to take a look, a hidden glance.

    Moved by the curiosity to listen to these men and women, their bodies, above all, instruments of their saying. Everyone has a desire to confess, a desire so great that it cannot be said in other ways than with the body. Some are happy desires, others are irresistibly unhappy, but they are not less worthy or more dangerous. Is there anything more terrible and dangerous than a desire for happiness?

    The focus is on the individual small stories, and then take a moment to get an overview.

  • progetto/project Stefano Mazzotta | creato con e interpretato da/created with and interpreted by Amina Amici, Lucrezia Maimone, Simone Zambelli, Damien Camunez, Manuel Martin, Miriam Cinieri, Gabriel Beddoes, Alessio Rundeddu | drammaturgia/dramaturgy Fabio Chiriatti | progetto video/video project Massimo Gasole/Illador Film | segreteria di produzione/production assistant Maria Elisa Carzedda | produzione/production Zerogrammi | coproduzione/coproduction Tersicorea T Off (It), La meme balle – Avignon (Fr), La Nave del Duende - Cacderes (Sp), Festival Danza Estate - Bergamo (It) | in collaborazione con/in collaboration with CASA LUFT, Arca del Tempo, Cooperativa Specus, Comune di Settimo S. Pietro, Comune di Selargius, Comune di Sinnai, Regione Sardegna | con il contributo di/with the contribution of INTERCONNESSIONI/Tersicorea T Off, PERIFERIE ARTISTICHE - Centro di Residenza Multidisciplinare della Regione Lazio - Supercinema, Tuscania, Fondazione di Sardegna | con il sostegno di/with the support of Soprintendenza Archeologica, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Cagliari e le Province di Oristano e Sud Sardegna, Regione Piemonte, MIBAC - Ministero per i beni e le Attività Culturali

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