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  • Two teddy bears and a Barbie doll with her head attached with adhesive tape, play around in a surreal Dèjeuner sur l'Herbe which seems to have been painted by Jacques Tati.Playing seriously when games are the only serious things that can save us from the tediousness of life. The games of two Candides, a comedy duo like Oliver and Hardy at the theatre of Marcel Marceau and Merce Cunningham, dressed-up like gentle madmen wearing hats, the kind with earflaps, just like two pilots from the Great War in peacetime. Hats for flying without leaving the ground. But rather soaring with the engine off, supported by air, easy like Sunday morning. "Zerogrammi": that is a weightless dance. Light. Yet that does not mean it has no content, but rather that it is relieved of the ballast of contents that pins you to the ground. A dance for flying, flight without take-off as we have said, and then soaring and soaring once more above everyday life, the life made of small things you must not forget. Remember to breathe. Soaring carried by the wind of our thoughtlessness, or we could even say frivolity, so that we can breathe more easily, and we can see everything clearly, since we are only a few centimetres above the grass of those ordinary days that come once a week and are unique in the simple games and innocent squabbles of two clowns Two mimes and contemporary dancers, but also tango dancers, if the radio plays "Besame mucho", and also two actors, people wearing ridiculous hats and funny pullovers (not to mention their unbelievable trousers). Emanuele Sciannamea and Stefano Mazzotta are the two clowns in a show which is as light as a love story when it begins, as soft as the sweetest wind on a spring night when spring and autumn still existed: as beautiful and delicate as that someone that every one of us has, or waits for, for nice and carefree moments, the memories of which permit us to carry on living. (Sergio Gilles Lacavalla)

  • di e con / by and with Stefano Mazzotta, Emanuele Sciannamea | luci / lights Stefano Mazzotta, Chiara Guglielmi | costumi e scene / costumes and scenes Zerogrammi | musica / music Erik Satie | produzione / production Zerogrammi | un ringraziamento a / thanks to Artemis Danza

  • Zerogrammi coglie in pieno gl'intenti dei suoi ideatori e si risolve in scena con la leggerezza di una bolla di sapone, attraverso il cui riflesso è però possibile cogliere tutte le sfumature di una delicata coreografia che fa pensare subito a Buster Keaton, anche per quella alchimia che riesce a coniugare il sorriso con la malinconia e a riempire le pause dell'esistenza con quel niente fatto di piccole nevrosi, ricordi veloci, riflessioni istantanee e tenerezze incorporee.

    F. Farina, Corriere della Sera

    Divertente, di un’allegria clownesca e colta, citazioni moltiplicate di musica, danza e circo, cinema e arte figurativa, tutto in una fresca, leggera serie di trovate, scoperte, esperimenti in una quotidianità stilizzata resa astratta e surreale. Bravi davvero Stefano Mazzotta ed Emanuele Sciannamea, autori, registi, coreografi e interpreti di “Zerogrammi”.

    V. Ottolenghi, Gazzetta di Parma

    Ha fatto decine e decine di repliche, girando l’Europa delle rassegne off e dei teatri di danza d’autore, dispensando nonsense e calembour, danza, teatro, clownerie e mimo, svagati, assurdi, quotidiani, illogici ma disciplinatissimi come una poesia di Wislawa Szymborska, cui assomiglia per l’ironia e il paradosso, la contraddizione e la litote, per l’impianto narrativo da miniaturista, per il racconto brevissimo ma evocativo di enigmi essenziali espressi con succinta eleganza.

    C. Allasia, La Repubblica

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