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  • The scene opens on a space under construction, a modular space like a sort of Monopoly with streets and buildings to conquer, a chessboard gradually revealed where roles and powers have yet to be assigned. Four “shady” characters enter the scene occupying the four corners of this virgin territory, each a king in his own way. They seem to take measurements, study tactics and possibilities, like monkeys around a nut they want to grab, or wild animals at the dawn of the fight for territory. In this space of tension and silence, Power makes its entrance as an expression of potential, the desire to plan and accomplish, the Word, the will to do or not to do, the beginning of everything. And, like every beginning, it leads you to face oppositechoices. Each following meeting of the four kings is a vain attempt to live together that fails miserably when confronted with the alternative of abusing their power, which is so simple and demanding no sacrifices. To wield our power to the detriment of others presumes the inability to share and communicate, the incapacity to change our point of view so as to go up to those who are different from us, the difficulty to break in two what belongs to us in order to give it to someone else, and the possibility to receive in exchange something that might tarnish, weaken or change us. The title, PUNTO DI FUGA, which in a perspective view is the point towards which parallel lines seem to converge, aims to express this effort, this ”stage pretence”, the feeling that sooner or later you will touch and get close to each other, so as to make possible the meeting and the difficult dialogue of differences. This is a desire that, in spite of an evident though supposed physical impossibility, should not stop inspiring human actions, because the meeting, and therefore the confrontation with others is, if we think about it, the only real fortune worth winning. This question was debated on the occasion of the year of intercultural dialogue between Italy and Russia which has made possible this creative project.

  • una creazione di e con / a creation by and with Evgeny Kulagin, Emanuele Sciannamea, Ivan Estegneev, Stefano Mazzotta | progetto coreografico e disegno luci / choreographic project and light design Stefano Mazzotta | produzione / production Zerogrammi, Fondazione TPE-Teatro a Corte (Italia), Dialogue Dance, Centro Danza Contemporanea e Performance TSEKH (Russia) | con il sostegno di / with the support of Regione Piemonte, MIBAC | in collaborazione con / in collaboration with STANTSIA Art Venue (Russia) | progetto realizzato nell'ambito del programma di scambio culturale / project realized in frame of the cultural program ITALIA RUSSIA 2011

  • (...) Apre al futuro il premio al miglior spettacolo di danza contemporanea, assegnato a “Punto di fuga”, co-produzione tra Italia e Russia che nell’anno 2011 dello scambio tra i due Paesi ha visto la collaborazione delle giovani formazioni Zerogrammi di Torino e Dialogue Dance di Kostroma. Proprio nella città russa nel febbraio 2011 sono arrivati Emanuele Sciannamea e Stefano Mazzotta, danzatori e coreografi originari del Sud Italia, formatisi alla prestigiosa Scuola Paolo Grassi di Milano, emergenti con il loro agile ensemble. I 25° gradi sottozero dell’inverno russo e la conoscenza di poche parole della lingua di Pushkin non li hanno scoraggiati e insieme a due performers della Dialogue Dance hanno dato vita a “Punto di fuga”, pièce al maschile che tra forza e ironia reinterpreta il “Tieste” di Seneca. Applaudito in inverno a Kostroma e in estate a Torino al festival Teatro a Corte, il neopremiato “Punto di fuga” racchiude il pensiero dei quattro giovani: “l’incontro, e dunque il confronto, è l’unica reale ricchezza degna di conquista.

    V. Bonelli, Russia Oggi

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