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  • The moment I show myself on the scene, the listener looks; sometimes the observer listens. Each giving priority to his own inner feeling. Sometimes the music brings the gesture, sometimes the opposite. Sometimes connections and short unexpected synthesis. All is very simple, in his inevitable complexity, without any complication.

    Three listening paintings, three "rooms" of three different contemporary composers. Immerse yourself in listening to a piece of music to draw inspiration from it. Observe the differences and the rhythmic, tonal and formal connections. Try to understand how music writing and choreographic composition are connected. Find or imagine a free zone, where music and choreography distance themselves from formal abstraction and "emotional" commentary.

  • di e con / by and with Amina Amici | musiche di / music by Bruno de Franceschi, Piano preparato 14 – eseguito da Bruno de Franceschi, Steve Reich, Pieces of wood – eseguito da Tetraktis Percussioni, Hans Abrahamsen, Let me tell you – eseguito da Barbara Hannigan | produzione esecutiva / executive production Zerogrammi | con il sostegno di / with the support of Workspace Ricerca X edizione 2018

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