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  • GRAZIOSISSIMO, inspired by the name of Enrico Cecchetti's son, Grazioso, emerges as an independent project and is a crucial chapter of the broader macro-project Enrico, a performance inspired by the historical figure of Enrico Cecchetti, a renowned ballet master.

    GRAZIOSISSIMO is not just a name; it is also a term that I, as the project's author, have chosen to describe or rather label a new dance mode; a term I invented, which I wish to place outside the traditional categorizations (allegretto, adagio, or allegro).

    A fundamental aspect of my research with GRAZIOSISSIMO is the investigation of the relationship between the stage and the audience. I want the audience to live an experience that goes beyond the simple viewing of the performance: the goal is to create a dialogue, a visual and emotional connection between the dancers and the observers. I would like to blur the boundaries between the stage and the auditorium, making the spectator an integral part of the performative experience.

    During the various stages of research, I will adopt Cecchetti's port de bras as the starting point for body investigation. I believe its emphasis on the expressiveness of the arms can help me establish an emotional connection with the audience, a fundamental theme of the work.

    I want to detach it (the port de bras) from its traditional context, transforming it into a universal gesture, accessible and shareable, to make it a means to express emotions, ideas, and stories; a language that speaks to both dancers and spectators.

  • autrice e coreografa / author and choireographer Laura Gazzani | scene e luci  / sets and lights Tommaso Contu | costumi / costumes in via di definizione / under definition | musiche / music Lorenzo Lucchetti | accompagnamento artistico / artistic advice Aurelio Di Virgilio | produzione / production Zerogrammi | con il supporto di / with the support of Biblioteca Comunale Zavatti Civitanova Marche, AMAT | con il contributo di / with the contribution of MiC e di / and by SIAE nell’ambito del programma / within the program Per Chi Crea

With the support of Mic and SIAE in frame of the project"Per Chi Crea"

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